Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can never have enough

We all have an addiction or two in fashion. It could be bags, shoes, wallets, or anything really.

My name is BloggerCupcake and I have sunglasses and rings addiction.

If you haven't noticed from my previous posts (example here) I've been wanting and buying sunglasses. I didn't even realize I had a problem until my sister pointed out I should buy a new wallet instead of new sunglasses (since my current one is getting worn out). My collection isn't big, but it's definitely more than what one needs.

(can you see me?)

Rings are definitely an addiction I have. I could never stop buying them. I still remember when I went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market, scored a couple of rings for around $1 each, vowing I'll stop buying rings after these, only to buy another one at F21 the very next day. Rings are just such a good way to dress up your fingers and accessorize. Not only that, but they definitely help me with the urges to buy new clothes when I have no money to spend (being so cheap at F21 and other places, it satisfies the urges to shop).

(older rings collection)

What's your addiction?

1 comment:

  1. OH I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUR RINGS AND GLASSES!!! lol I need to get my ring collection up
    !! hehe I'm addicted to anything fashion.


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